Wesley Harper is in the process of releasing an album called Fun Pain. It is a practice in following your gut and embracing uncertainty. Through its intricate sonic shades and lyrical sincerity, the album feels both familiar and strange, like déjà vu or a contorted reflection in a store window.  It honors the moments that make up the chapters of our lives without weighing too heavily on them and instead, molds them into patient retrospectives, ready for something new. 

The Catskill-based songwriter, producer and instrumentalist has long been a staple of his musical community, playing and producing in both Camp Saint Helene and Gary’s Dream, while also recording and producing for others in his personal studio. Fun Pain is an accumulation of Harper’s experiences, but it’s also a canvas of spontaneity and ease; a carte blanche creation where he fully dives into the spiral of sounds and selves.

“For me, human intuition is the closest I get to feeling a spiritual connection,” he says. “I think we all have that capacity to reach out in front of ourselves and pull something that's true.”

written by Sammy Maine